Sunday, April 03, 2005

The Whys Of My Purchasing A Ticket For This Bandwagon

So this blogging craze is underway. Why am I signing up to start one and get my ticket stamped?

  • I have way too many books and I have to get rid of them. I have books I like, ones I doubt I will like, ones I doubt I will ever read, books I wonder why I purchased them in the first place. Yes, such a thing as "too many books" is possible.
  • Yet, as a good librarianette, I cannot just pack them into boxes and blithely drop them off somewhere. They must be looked at, evaluated, and given suitable homes. Even if that home is the trash.
  • As we say at the bank, it's all about the cross-sell, baby. Well my department doesn't, but trust me, the bankers do. I'm selling a bunch of these on Amazon/ Why not cross promote? I love money!
  • I do think that reading and reflecting, even in a shallow way (I'm not promising literary criticism here, folks. I took senior seminar on the detective novel, not that Jean Genet crap) is a good mental exercise, along with writing. Since I have an odd combination of strong opinion and writing phobia, what better treatment than to dive into a new hobby that will twist me into knots of panic?
I promise humor, strong opinion, plot spoilage at times (for heaven's sake, if you don't know Lizzie Bennett catches Mr. Darcy and that the whale gets Ahab and that the Reverend is Hester's babydaddy, I can't help you. Sometimes it's not all the goody about the surprise at the end, but the actual words strung together that make the story worth reading) and my own funky lingual experimentation. That's all, and I'll try to live up to the promise.

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