Saturday, April 29, 2006

This morning, I dreamed that due to a hole in the basement a black tuxedo cat had gotten in and sired 7! kittens on a white cat living in my house. Her nest was in the furnace and she was feeding them mice. When I found them and removed them they were several weeks old and very fluffy.

I just put Sidecar up on the window well. He didn't trust that I'd do something so nice for him, but it is exactly what he wanted. He's not big enough to do a vertical leap like Mencken and Cain.
I am working on assignments today. I figured out why I am so disengaged from cataloging. Part of it is that it's the kind of work I hate--lots of fiddly method, step by step, detail obsessed things. Another is that there is no class participation. I'm not counting the idiot's questions as class participation. When half the class wants to grab the mike and shout, "Just shut the fuck up already!" there's problems. And it's also a distance based class, which means computers, which means more disengagement. And Health Information Resources and its lack of well, a class, is also annoying. I am really hating library school now. I have learned very little over the years. Library Management last spring was the best class I took because it had a synthesis of the practical and theoretical combined with plenty of discussion. I knew going into this program that 90% of librarianship is learned on the job and I had tons of experience, and that I just needed the freaking paper in order to get the kind of jobs I want to do. I just didn't expect to be so drained by it all. And so disappointed by what I'd get in return for my money.

There was some flirting going on in cataloging this week between me and the tech guy. Oh well.

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