Sunday, July 09, 2006

Apologies, Everyone

I've been having a combination of computer troubles, real life and travel that has interrupted the whole blogging thing. In various news:

  • Sidecar: He spent much of May and June at the Petsmart. He was also adopted! But the woman returned him after a week because her cat wouldn't adjust to him. Sigh. Not his fault. So he's back with me, still lovely, still well-mannered, and even sweeter--although he still runs away from noise and sharp movements, he has decided that he likes being petted and will come to me and nudge my hand until I comply. He even wants belly rubs! It's amazing! He is also an excellent and vicious fly-catcher.
  • The house: Well, I got the furnace serviced for fall, the Cleveland Restoration Society out for advice (and really, they had none) and someone to look at jacking up the concrete steps in back. The answer is that it can't be done. I was so excited. I also painted the closet, a project I started last September. Now it's becoming clear that I need to get the apple trees removed. They are too big for the space and planted too close to the house. Joy. I also bought a lawnmower this weekend, and easy-start mower that I could assemble....but not start. Well, after half an hour I got it started, but now it starts then dies. Splendid. Next project for the indoors is to paint my bedroom. Outside--who knows? I need to buy some stones to landscape the front bed. The garden is doing very well these days. I have little peppers and a tomato and too much sage.
  • What else? Work is work. I've read lots, and am bursting with opinion. The neighbors are annoying. I visited Genevieve over Bloomsday weekend and had a wonderful time. It was the most relaxed I've been in forever. Still haven't bought a computer, but am considering a deal that gets me an ipod nano and a Mac Book for $1100. Bless that student discount.
  • School: I need to visit my advisor and find a paper topic/practicum for fall. Then I am done.
  • Future: One of the things I've been doing inside the house is freecycling and donating like mad, and putting aside some of the furniture to sell. I graduate in December, and then I'm going to sell the house and do heaven knows what. I love my house--I love the excellent light, tons of windows, the hardwood floors, the back balcony--but I don't love the upkeep and expense. And it's too much room for one woman and two or three cats. I'd like to be free of it. It took a lot of feeling around the emotions that are tied to this place to come to that conclusion though. And considering that the house down the street that I think is very nice has been on the market for 9 months and is currently listed for $15,000 under its purchase price of last year, I'm not sure how it all will work out.

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