Sunday, September 03, 2006


Right, so it's Labor Day weekend. Kerry's doing the same old same old right? Meaning to fix up the house, but instead sitting on the couch reading and watching DVDs. Right?


Yesterday I got a call at 9:30am from the Romance Heroine. She and her boyfriend were going on a last minute roadtrip to Pittsburgh, and did I want to come? "What are you going to do?" I asked. "Are you going to Ikea?" Because I loves me some Ikea. Cut rate housewares. Little Swedish meatballs.

She said they were going to a mattress factory.

I looked out the window. It's raining. I haven't been anywhere all summer. And face it, this house thing? Totally not following through. I start to ask why they are going to a mattress factory and if they are actually going to buy a mattress, but I stop myself.

"I don't care. Thank you for rescuing me from my house. I'm coming!"

They pick me up 45 minutes later after I've showered and provisioned the cats. We're on the road.

It turns out that it's not a mattress factory that we are going to, but a contemporary art museum housed in an old mattress factory.

Some of the art is really interesting, particularly the James Turrrell stuff, but after a certain point I hit the "Kerry needs context and meaning" wall and got annoyed. Afterwards we were going to the Warhol, but parking was outrageous. We got some dinner, and walked around Squirrel Hill where I got hit on by someone skeezy at the Ten Thousand Villages store. It's the Romance Heroine's opinion that I don't look mean enough (?) so I wind up pursued by the weird and drunk.

Then we hit Ikea.

It was a fabulous day.

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