Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Triple X Librarian

On the young librarian listserv, there's someone who posted up in a tizzy that when she Googles her (rather distinctive) name, there's a link to some sort of triple X site on the last page of results. Oh no! Personally I don't see the reason for fuss.

I have to say, were I in a hiring position and I had any hint that my potential hire had a career in p0rn, I'd bring them in for an interview right quick if they had the qualifications. The chance to see that mythical creature, the hottie librarian, cannot be passed up. Plus, the p0rn industry is considered to be on the forefront of both technological innovation and meeting client interests and needs. A career as a p0rn star shows gumption in my book, and skills that are transferable. Plus, they might have a stash of cash and be willing to accept the low librarian salaries.

Hmmm. Maybe ALA should refocus its recruitment efforts and partner with the strip club.

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