Sunday, January 18, 2009

Trapped By Runners

I'm currently trapped in Starbucks by a marathon.

I honestly don't care too much what people do in their leisure time unless it smacks into my happiness, but I was planning on going out to buy some work clothes this am, return the cat carrier to Dusie, and do some more errands.

So, instead we have updates and blogging:

Cain is here! Dusie brought him on Wednesday. He seems to be adjusting well. He needs a diet though. Oh, and I made the mistake of putting the cat food in the pantry so when his bowl ran out he took the initiative and knocked down the bag to eat his fill.

He had developed a habit of hiding in cabinets at my mom's, and he does like the balcony. I was going to see if I can rent him out to coworkers for mid-day stress relief petting. Yes, I am my cat's pimp.

The car is fixed. It was something stupid and it wasn't too expensive. The good thing is that they gave me an estimate on some work that is significantly lower than the estimate I got from the Firestone by Dusie. This means I may actually get the work done.

I am very busy at work. Let's not get into it.

Other than that, not much is going on. I'm thinking about getting furniture and an internet connection. I managed to hang up nearly all my clothes. Wende and I went to Scottsdale yesterday and it was an...experience.

Oh's 80 degrees here and it's nice. I am loving it.


Mella DP said...

Ooh, my coworker is running in that marathon! (And I hope she's ok, since it's seriously 100 degrees warmer there now then when their plane left Chicago on Friday...)

drwende said...

Kerry's kind of traumatized by Old Town Scottsdale. I think she wasn't emotionally ready for it.

It was only in the high 70s for the marathon, so pretty nice. There were streets blocked off near me, too, as I live on the Block Them Streets, Hey! route.