Saturday, June 20, 2009

Standing On The Corner, Waiting For The Bus

I need a bit of advice from you all--how do you manage to commute on public transit with a laptop, lunch, purse, etc? I'll be working mostly downtown by the Capitol over the next 4 months. There are no good lunch options nearby, I like to read on the train, and I will probably be often carrying the laptop. Other than starting to work out or hiring a homeless sherpa, any advice?

The commute in question is bus to light rail to bus and takes under an hour.


Cookbook said...

How about a laptop backpack?

Lisa S. said...

Get a big bag, one with an easy-to-reach pocket in the front to hold your bus pass or whatever. I really love my Timbuk2 bag. They can stand up to all sorts of abuse, and they're largely watertight. Get a pad for the shoulder strap.

I have a size M "classic messenge" --it's 18.75 inches long, 10.5 inches tall, 7.7 wide -- and it runs for about $85 new on the site. But you can probably google around to see if you can find it more inexpensively elsewhere.

drwende said...

I use one of the Durtbagz for this sort of thing.

Genevieve said...

I like the Manhattan Portage bags. I think the one I use for a purse is the City Bag, but it's too small for a laptop. They have lots of other bags tho. I got mine from