Friday, September 03, 2010

Friday, Friday, Friday

So, despite the fact I have been up since 4AM for the second morning in a row, I am going to do my best to go out to First Friday tonight. I have a mission: to go to Moderncat Studio and buy Willa some new toys. New chewable toys, as she destroyed a hardcover library book this week. Oh, my little killer diller Willa Bean.

But I am also cranky that I have to go to work at all today. I now laugh ruefully? hysterically? every time something connected to the audit gets mentioned. And I have 89 hours on my timesheet for the past 2 weeks. I am taking off the whole week of Columbus Day and it can't come soon enough.

This also means an after work honey vanilla latte at Giant Coffee. Maybe some cheap dinner.

I like to clean in the morning when I'm awake too early. My kitchen is very clean, and yesterday I moved my bookcase at 6am. I promise pictures soon of Operation Livable Room.

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