Saturday, January 22, 2011

In Which I Give Away Some Cookbooks

So, I used to be a thrifter. Cleveland's a great town for finding cool vintage in the thrifts. Combined with a tendency towards OCD behavior, it is any wonder that I used to overbuy for my various collections and have had a hard time getting rid of things.

Here's some mid-century cookbooks I'll mail for out Tuesday. If you want some, let me know in the comments. And then I might go out and reward my self with chocolate ice cream for the work I've done tonight to reclaim some space.

The New California Cook Book--Genevieve Callahan. 1955
The Betty Furness Westinghouse Cookbook--Prepared by Julia Kiene. 1954
The Mystery Chef's Own Cook Book. 1943
Making the Most of Your Food Freezer-- Marie Armstrong Essipoff. 1954
The Williamsburg Art of Cookery--Helen Bullock. 1938
Good Meals and How To Prepare Them (Good Housekeeping Institute) --Katharine A. Fisher. 1927
Kitchen Ranging--H. Pearl Adam. 1929
Good Housekeeping's Book of Menus, Recipes and Household Discoveries. 1922
The Perfect Hostess Cookbook--Mildred O. Knopf. 1950
A Book of Hors d'Oeuvre--Lucy G. Allen. 1961
The World's Modern Cook Book And Kitchen Guide For The Busy Woman--Mabel Claire. 1932 (Published in Cleveland!)

And a grab bag of small pamphlets and cooking promotional materials. Some good illustrations there!


Teslaca said...

What a nice thing to do. I would love to have A Book of Hors d'Oeuvre. I love vintage party books, especially for finger foods and cocktail parties.

Joan said...

How nice. I'd love to have The New California Cook Book. Sounds interesting and hubby and I lived in CA for awhile.
joosbornenc at yahoo dot com