Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Wardrobe Therapy: Catchup Edition--Outerwear & Shoes

So on second thought, I do have other forms of outerwear. It's just I automatically think "winter coat" when I hear that word. Missing is a picture of my dusky pink corduroy blazer. It's at the cleaners. It is heavy enough for raw spring days in April and May in Ohio, or 50ish degree Phoenix winter days.

I bought this 6-7 years ago at the Gap in Tower City. It was marked down 50% and cost me $100 and was one of the most expensive things I ever bought. I visited it ardently for weeks before it was marked down. That was a great sale Gap--now Tower City can't even support an Ann Taylor.

And here are my shoes:

Velveteen Rabbits: The red loafers, my daily wear/house sandals (I just buy new ones every summer--this year I'll have quite a selection), and my square toe low heels with the white contrast.

Superstars: The black suede heels, their cousins in brown leather, my other brown heels with the strap, my black strappy Mary Janes, the awesome burgundy low heels that manage to be wearable despite being half a size too large.

Stalwart Staples:Navy blue clunky heels. And the brown nubby sneakers with pink trim on the straps.

Torture Devices: Just call them gorgeous but merciless--the pointy pink shoes (but the pink!), the brown pumps that have a smidge too high a heel, the pearly gray heels (How are you supposed to clean marks off patent leather? And ever since I went to Sweet Pea one day and got off at the wrong stop and had to walk--let's just say the ow starts when I walk out the door, and there's no relief. EVER.)

Mystery of the Lost Shopping Trip: Weird brown flats, because they are flat. And those blue flats with the pink trim--they are too cute and sadly, I am no longer that young.

1 comment:

Anne At Large said...

I vividly remember reading somewhere about cleaning patent leather with milk. I remember it because I was so shocked yet impressed. I'll have to see if I can find where I read it.