Tuesday, September 08, 2009

And Now My Apartment Is Filled With Boxes

I went to Cleveland this weekend and picked up my worldly goods. It was an adventure.

Miles driven: 2044
Days spent driving: 3
Number of Tylonol taken to help with the cramping up of my right quad muscle: 6
Size of van: 16 feet
Number of approximate feet too long the van was for the job: 4
Miles per gallon fuel consumption: 10 mpg
Approximate cost of gas: $600
MPG I thought the truck would get: 10
Cost of truck: $854
Percentage discount given for a AAA membership I don't have by the sweet guy at the Penske truck rental @ W. 117th: 12
Number of glasses of red wine Cookbook consumed at Lolita, after being told to drink up because I got that discount: 2
Amount of money spent on books, a movie and fancy cupcakes with the discount funds: $60
Amount of regret for that: Minimal
Ratio of cupcakes purchased to consumed: 4::1
Friends I like that I saw: 3
Number of former friends I narrowly avoided: 2
Stars I would give to the accommodations at Cookbook's: 4
Amount of time it took to load the truck: 2 hours
Number of items that appear to be irreversibly damaged due to my inexpert loading: 0
Number of times I hit something backing up: 0
Number of cars I nearly sideswiped off the road: 0
Number of incidents of the sort above my mother imagined my having: Heavens only know
Times it rained: 4
Number of states crossed: 7
Number of elk or moose I saw in the wild despite being warned they were out and about: 0
Types of domesticated farm animals I saw grazing: Horses, goats, cows, elk
Number of calves I witnessed making a break for it across the highway in my rearview mirror: 1
Color and type: Black and small. Sex indeterminate.
Number of lanes I saw him make it across: 2
Number of "World's Largest Cross" crosses I saw: 2
Locations: Indiana and Texas
Approximate height of each: 3 story
Differences in appearance: None, they were identical as if assembled from a kit
What I thought Jesus would appreciate as a modification: Wind turbines added to the arms

I have some other thoughts I'll type up later. 'Night, all.

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