I got up at 5:30am this morning. That was after about a half hour of trying to ignore Cain as he "gently persuaded" me to get up and feed him. His main tactic is tapping me with his paw, nails slightly out, patiently moving around me as I toss and turn attempting to ignore him. I got up and took the 7:22am bus up to Indian School and had fancy breakfast at Over Easy. Then I caught the bus and hit Sprouts. I took a cab home and was back at my apartment by 9:30am. I then relaxed, tried to shoot video of Willa eating a brussel sprout, and cleaned the kitchen a bit.
Aces picked me up and we went over to Dusie's to go to Costco en famille and eat dinner. It was fun. I pushed the shopping cart with Peaches. She likes free samples--she had toast, and baked beans, and if you are eating something in front of her she gets indignant and shrieks if you won't let her have some.
I bought 4 pounds of peaches to make bourbon peach jam this week. I also borrowed the ice cream maker. The pineapple stone fruit chutney is still on the table. I also have figs and cherries, which I think are friends but I can't figure how. Friends topped with vanilla yogurt, definitely. And a 33 cent cantaloupe, ha ha.
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