Sunday, February 20, 2011

THis Is An "I AM OLD" Moment

Henry Rollins turned 50 last week. 50! And this marks the 20th year of my crush on him. I used to buy Details just to read his column every month. And I got royally pissed when I was 17 and went up to New Brunswick to visit my cousins at Rutgers and my mom wouldn't let me stay late for his show.

So anyway, a few years back I sent this video to MFA Jane, when we were experimenting with online dating.

She called me back a day or so later to thank me, and said, "I don't know if I should mention it, but Kerry...Henry Rollins looks exactly like your dad when he was young."

And I said, "I KNOW!" Because yes, The Don did look like Superman (and old Henry) in his Marine uniform.

I was a Daddy's girl when I was young. And I admit it--I like my men (however few there are) smart, dark, tall, and kind of an asshole. Just like ol' Dad.

1 comment:

Melzer said...

I like this.