Saturday, August 20, 2011

So Dull and Boring, You May Not Want To Read This After All

Once again, I made the cherry cornmeal upside down cake. I picked up what is almost certainly the last cherries of the season for $3/lb at Costco on Friday. A 3 pound package yields enough for the cake and some satisfactory eating.

I believe this cake is foolproof as long as you keep in mind it comes out kind of ugly, but fabulously delicious. And with ice cream or coffee? Maybe whipped cream? Oh, baby.

As for me, I am having a home day. I had home days 2.5 days this week already (I played sick since there was little to do at work). Because I did not have a to do list, it was time wasted. Well, not wasted--I read a fascinating memoir of life with bipolar disorder, read some other stuff, applied for jobs, watched videos on the Benefit site and played with makeup. Now I have a to do list of things like "Clean kitchen." Boorrriingg.

I also wanted to start reading One Day since the film is out and I've had a copy since Genevieve recommended it to me back in February.

Tomorrow I am having breakfast with my mom, and maybe we will run errands and formulate an exciting plan for adventure! After all, she has a car.

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