Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Scenes From My Vacation...

Text message from Aces to Duesie as I bounced around her branch library:

"Kerry@library=Harley@dog park"


Duesie, upon seeing me for the first time since June:

"Your teeth are really white. They make you look younger. Usually around your age, a woman's teeth start to get dingy and that really dates her."


Number of freakouts I had: 3
Number of freakouts people noticed: 0
Number of arguments I witnessed: 4
Number of arguments I was involved in: 0
Number of times the arguments were actually about what people were arguing about and not something else entirely: 1
Board games played: 2
Games won by me: 0
Number of grocery stores we tried to go to on Christmas Day, only to figure out finally that grocery stores are not open on Christmas Day: 3
Items for Christmas dinner we purchased at Walgreen's: Coke, box of assorted dark chocolates, box stuffing. However, the stuffing was later found to have MSG, so my sister couldn't eat it and was never made.
I did miss the family's annual run to the liquor store for space from each other. Instead we played Oxford Dilemma and ate very plain turkey without side dishes. Then we went to Aces' boyfriend's family gathering.

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