Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Recommendation: Jo Walton on

Head's up: Jo Walton, author of the amazing Small Changes trilogy, is writing for Check out her hilarious take on The Suck Fairy, who hits books you love, but haven't reread.

Is the Suck Fairy a neutral force, or do you think she likes her job and chuckles when you, say, realize how many exclamation points Walter Farley used in The Black Stallion? I think she takes joy in her work.

You should also take some time to read Walton's beautifully scary trilogy, which proposes an alternate England where the British settled with Hitler after Dunkirk and is facing its own rise of anti-Semitism and fascism in the 40's. Great books. Just don't read them back-to-back with Cory Doctrow's Little Brother, which discusses how to fight the loss of individual rights and liberties in the age of terrorism--it's a little too close to home.

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